Welcome to Neffint’s documentation!

Neffint is an acronym for Non-equidistant Filon Fourier integration. This is a python package for computing Fourier integrals using a method based on Filon’s rule with non-equidistant grid spacing.

Neffint licensed under an Apache-2.0 license. See HERE for details.

The source code is available here: https://github.com/neffint/neffint/

Installation procedure

To start using Neffint, install it using pip:

pip install neffint

To get an editable install, download the repository from Github and install with the -e flag.

git clone https://github.com/neffint/neffint.git
cd neffint
pip install -e .[test]

The [test] is optional, but installs the requirements for running the tests, which is needed for development. To run the tests after installing locally with the above commands, simply run


from the root directory of the repository.

To compile the documentation locally, run

git clone https://github.com/neffint/neffint.git
cd neffint
pip install .[docs]
sphinx-build -b html docs/source docs/build/html


In case the sphinx build command fails because of an issue related to Pandoc, you can try to install Pandoc manually (but not from PyPI as the package is outdated there). If using conda, try the following command

conda install pandoc

The documentation at https://neffint.readthedocs.io/ is built automatically by ReadTheDocs at every commit to the main branch.

Indices and tables